Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Part Four: The Reluctant Caregiver's Guide to Broken Hip Recovery

Primordial Screams and other releases

At this point, you’re realizing that “normal” has vanished. Your husband got hurt, not you, but your life is all messed up anyway. You’re stuck with a bunch of stress and too many things to do and it’s simply not fair.
Sadly, true.
Give yourself permission to rant and rave—for a couple of days or so. I’m a stress eater, evidenced by the empty ice cream cartons and crumpled chip bags around here. But you know what? It’s all right. You’re not going to eat yourself into a larger size in a couple of days. Your pillows were flat and needed to be beaten anyway. The neighbors can’t hear you screaming with the doors and windows closed. And social media—
Write what you want, but for God’s sake, don’t post it! No one wants to hear you whine. If you do post anything, just tell the bare facts. “So-and-so fell and broke his what’s-it. He’s in the hospital/rehab and in a fair amount of pain.” Period. People will respond to this with heartfelt compassion. Ranting will get you disdain and you don’t want to deal with that.
Just be sure to limit your self-pity to a couple of days. Then stand in front of the mirror with the crown taped to it and give a good, deep sigh. This situation is going to be long, but it’s temporary.
And you’ve got work to do.